SonataFlow extension in Quarkus Dev UI

Quarkus applications come integrated with a Dev UI, providing a number of tools that help in developing the applications in Quarkus. You can plug in such tools to your Quarkus application as extensions, such as SonataFlow extension.

Installing SonataFlow Dev UI extension

The SonataFlow Dev UI extension provides a console to view, manage, and start the workflow instances.

  • Quarkus 3.8.4 is installed.

  • Quarkus command line interface (CLI) is installed. For more information, see Installing the Quarkus CLI.

  1. In a command terminal, enter the following command to install the SonataFlow Dev UI extension:

    Install SonataFlow Dev UI extension
    quarkus ext add org.apache.kie.sonataflow:sonataflow-quarkus-devui

    Executing the previous command adds the following dependency to pom.xml file of your project:

    SonataFlow Dev UI extension dependency in pom.xml file
  2. Enter the following command to add the kie-addons-quarkus-source-files extension that provides the source code to generate the Serverless Workflow diagram in the consoles:

    Install Kogito source files add-on extension
    quarkus ext add org.kie:kie-addons-quarkus-source-files

    Executing the previous command adds the following dependency to pom.xml file of your project:

    source files add-on dependency in pom.xml file
  3. Run the following command to start the Quarkus application:

    Start Quarkus application
    quarkus dev
  4. To access the Quarkus Dev UI, go to http://localhost:8080/q/dev/.

    kogito swf tools quarkus dev ui
    Figure 1. SonataFlow extension in Quarkus Dev UI

    The SonataFlow Dev UI extension contains the following pages:

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