New features on 1.35
Notable changes
KOGITO-8686 - Implement extension that provides support for OutputSchema
KOGITO-7373 - [SW] Add custom function knative
KOGITO-6937 - Integrate Data Index with Knative eventing
Other changes and Bug fixes
KOGITO-8761 - [SW] Revert call to new method that still doesn’t exists in Quarkus LTS
KOGITO-8634 - Kogito is messed with symlink in src/main/resources directory when resources are mounted with ConfigMap
KOGITO-8523 - Job Service New API Integration Tests
KOGITO-8516 - Deploy Workflow CR in devmode
KOGITO-8515 - Update quarkus-openapi-generator to 1.2.1
KOGITO-8485 - Swagger is generated with example: null on 1.32
KOGITO-8414 - [KSW-Guides] Create guide for Knative custom function
KOGITO-8401 - [KSW-Guides] Enhance getting started guide with workflow use cases description