Configuring the Workflow Eventing system

This document describes how to configure the eventing system for a SonataFlow workflow.

In general, the following events are produced in a SonataFlow installation:

  • Workflow outgoing and incoming business events.

  • SonataFlow system events sent from the workflow to the Data Index and Job Service respectively.

  • SonataFlow system events sent from the Jobs Service to the Data Index Service.

The SonataFlow Operator is designed to use the Knative Eventing system to resolve all the event communication between these services.

In a regular SonataFlow installation, the preferred method is to use the Platform-scoped Eventing system configuration, while the Workflow-scoped Eventing system configuration is reserved only for advanced use cases.

Platform-scoped Eventing system configuration

To configure a platform-scoped eventing system, you must use the field in the SonataFlowPlatform CR to refer to a Knative Eventing broker.

This information signals the SonataFlow Operator to automatically link every workflow deployed in that namespace, with the preview or gitops profile, to produce and consume the events by using that Broker.

Additionally, the supporting services deployed in that namespace, that do not provide a custom eventing system configuration, will be linked to that broker. For more information about configuring the supporting services eventing system, see.

The following SonataFlowPlatform CR fragment shows an example of such configuration:

Platform scoped eventing system configuration example
kind: SonataFlowPlatform
  name: sonataflow-platform-example
  namespace: example-namespace
        name: example-broker (1)
        namespace: example-broker-namespace (2)
        kind: Broker
1 Name of the Knative Eventing Broker.
2 Optional: Defines the namespace of the Knative Eventing Broker. Defaults to the SonataFlowPlatform namespace. We recommend creating the Knative Eventing Broker in the same namespace as the SonataFlowPlatform.

In production environments, you must use a production-ready broker, like the Knative Kafka Broker.

Workflow-scoped Eventing system configuration

A workflow-scoped eventing system configuration provides the ability to do a fine-grained configuration of the eventing system for the events produced and consumed by a workflow.

To configure a workflow-scoped eventing system you must use the fields spec.sink.ref and spec.sources[] in the SonataFlow CR.

Outgoing Eventing system configuration

To configure a workflow-scoped eventing system for the workflow outgoing events, you must use the field spec.sink.ref in the SonataFlow CR.

This information signals the SonataFlow Operator to automatically link the current workflow, to produce the events by using that Broker. That includes, the SonataFlow system events, and the workflow business events.

The following SonataFlow CR fragment shows an example of such configuration:

Workflow-scoped outgoing eventing system configuration example
kind: SonataFlow
  name: example-workflow
  namespace: example-workflow-namespace
  annotations: Example Workflow 0.0.1 preview
      name: outgoing-example-broker (1)
      namespace: outgoing-example-broker-namespace (2)
      kind: Broker
  flow: (3)
    start: ExampleStartState
    events: (4)
      - name: outEvent1 (5)
        source: ''
        kind: produced
        type: out-event-type1 (6)

    ... (7)
1 Name of the Knative Eventing Broker to use for all the events produced by the workflow, including the SonataFlow system events.
2 Optional: Defines the namespace of the Knative Eventing Broker. Defaults to the SonataFlow namespace. We recommend creating the Knative Eventing Broker in the same namespace as the SonataFlow.
3 Flow definition field in the SonataFlow CR.
4 Events definition field in the SonataFlow CR.
5 Example of an outgoing event outEvent1 definition.
6 Event type for the outgoing event outEvent1
7 Only a fragment of the workflow is shown for simplicity.

Incoming Eventing system configuration

To configure a workflow-scoped eventing system for the workflow incoming events, you must use the field spec.sources[] in the SonataFlow CR. And, you must add an entry in the array, for every event type that requires an individual configuration.

This information signals the SonataFlow Operator to automatically link the current workflow, to potentially consume the events from different Brokers, depending on the event type.

Incoming event types not configured with a particular Broker, are consumed by applying Eventing system configuration precedence rules.

The following SonataFlow CR fragment shows an example of such configuration:

Workflow-scoped incoming eventing system configuration example
kind: SonataFlow
  name: example-workflow
  namespace: example-workflow-namespace
  annotations: Example Workflow 0.0.1 preview
    - eventType: in-event-type1 (1)
        name: incoming-example-broker1 (2)
        namespace: incoming-example-broker1-namespace (3)
        kind: Broker
    - eventType: in-event-type2 (4)
        name: incoming-example-broker2 (5)
        namespace: incoming-example-broker2-namespace (6)
        kind: Broker
  flow: (7)
    start: ExampleStartState
    events: (8)
      - name: inEvent1 (9)
        source: ''
        kind: consumed
        type: in-event-type1 (10)
      - name: inEvent2 (11)
        source: ''
        kind: consumed
        type: in-event-type2 (12)
    ... (13)
1 Eventing system configuration entry for the workflow incoming events of type in-event-type1.
2 Name of the Knative Eventing Broker to use for the consumption of the events of type in-event-type1 sent to this workflow.
3 Optional: Defines the namespace of the Knative Eventing Broker. Defaults to the SonataFlow namespace. We recommend creating the Knative Eventing Broker in the same namespace as the SonataFlow.
4 Eventing system configuration entry for the workflow incoming events of type in-event-type2.
5 Name of the Knative Eventing Broker to use for the consumption of the events of type in-event-type2 sent to this workflow.
6 Optional: Defines the namespace of the Knative Eventing Broker. Defaults to the SonataFlow namespace. We recommend creating the Knative Eventing Broker in the same namespace as the SonataFlow.
7 Flow definition field in the SonataFlow CR.
8 Events definition field in the SonataFlow CR.
9 Example of an incoming event inEvent1 definition.
10 Event type for the incoming event inEvent1. The link of the workflow event, with the corresponding spec.sources[] entry, is by using the event type name in-event-type1.
11 Example of an incoming event inEvent2 definition.
12 Event type for the incoming event inEvent2. The link of the workflow event, with the corresponding spec.sources[] entry, is by using the event type name in-event-type2.
13 Only a fragment of the workflow is shown for simplicity.
  • Remember that the link between a spec.sources[] entry and the workflow event, is by using the event type.

  • Incoming events without a corresponding spec.sources[] entry are consumed by applying the Eventing system configuration precedence rules.

Cluster-scoped Eventing system configuration

When you use a SonataFlowClusterPlatform, the workflows are automatically linked to the Broker configured in the SonataFlowPlatform CR referred to by the given SonataFlowClusterPlatform CR, according to the Eventing system configuration precedence rules.

Eventing system configuration precedence rules

To configure the eventing system for a workflow, the SonataFlow Operator use the following precedence rules:

  1. If the workflow has a configured eventing system, by using any of the workflow-scoped outgoing eventing system or workflow-scoped incoming eventing system configurations, that configuration applies.

  2. If the SonataFlowPlatform CR enclosing the workflow, is configured with a platform-scoped eventing system, that configuration applies.

  3. If the current cluster, is configured with a cluster-scoped eventing system, that configuration apply.

  4. If none of the previous configurations exists, the workflow is configured to:

    • Produce direct HTTP calls to deliver the SonataFlow system events to the supporting services.

    • Consume the workflow incoming events in the workflow service root path / via HTTP POST calls.

    • No eventing system is configured to produce the workflow business events, and thus, an attempt to produce such event will fail.

Eventing System linking objects

The linking of the workflow with the eventing system is produced by using Knative Eventing SinkBindings and Triggers. These objects are automatically created by the SonataFlow Operator, and facilitate workflow events production and consumption.

The following example shows the Knative Eventing objects created for an example-workflow configured with a platform-scoped eventing system.

Platform-scoped eventing system configuration example
kind: SonataFlowPlatform
  name: sonataflow-platform-example
  namespace: example-namespace
        name: example-broker (1)
        kind: Broker
    dataIndex: (2)
      enabled: true
    jobService: (3)
      enabled: true
1 Platform Broker configuration used by the Data Index, Jobs Service, and the example-workflow.
2 Data Index ephemeral deployment.
3 Jobs Service ephemeral deployment.
Knative Kafka Broker example used by the SonataFlowPlatform
kind: Broker
  annotations: Kafka (1)
  name: example-broker
  namespace: example-namespace
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: kafka-broker-config
    namespace: knative-eventing
1 Use the Kafka class to create a Kafka Knative Broker
The example-workflow is automatically linked to the example-broker in the example-namespace
kind: SonataFlow
  name: example-workflow
  namespace: example-namespace
  annotations: Example Workflow 0.0.1 preview
    start: ExampleStartState
      - name: outEvent1
        source: ''
        kind: produced
        type: out-event-type1 (1)
      - name: inEvent1
        source: ''
        kind: consumed
        type: in-event-type1 (2)
      - name: inEvent2
        source: ''
        kind: consumed
        type: in-event-type2 (3)
      - name: ExampleStartState
    ... (4)
1 The example-workflow outgoing events are produced by using the SinkBinding example-workflow-sb, see.
2 The example-workflow events of type in-event-type1 are consumed by using the Trigger example-workflow-inevent1-b40c067c-595b-4913-81a4-c8efa980bc11, see.
3 The example-workflow events of type in-event-type2 are consumed by using the Trigger example-workflow-inevent2-b40c067c-595b-4913-81a4-c8efa980bc11, see.
4 Only a fragment of the workflow is shown for simplicity.
Knative Eventing SinkBinding created for the example-workflow events production
kn source list -n example-namespace

NAME                                          TYPE          RESOURCE                           SINK                    READY
example-workflow-sb                           SinkBinding   broker:example-broker   True
Knative Eventing Triggers created for the example-workflow events consumption
kn trigger list -n example-namespace

NAME                                                              BROKER           SINK                                                     AGE   CONDITIONS   READY   REASON
example-workflow-inevent1-b40c067c-595b-4913-81a4-c8efa980bc11    example-broker   service:example-workflow                                 16m   7 OK / 7     True
example-workflow-inevent2-b40c067c-595b-4913-81a4-c8efa980bc11    example-broker   service:example-workflow                                 16m   7 OK / 7     True

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